Ring in the New Year with a Yoga Mala of 108 Sun Salutations! Mark the passing of time in meaningful moments & step more deeply into your yoga practice this year.
Join Suzy Nece for our annual ritual practice to set intentions, cleanse, focus, laugh, sweat, and soar into our next trip around the sun together. “This is a powerful moving meditation to initiate and stabilize the changes that often accompany the activation of a new year.”
To help guide you on your path this Mala will send you forward with the stepping stones to transformation.
Leave the Mala empowered with the tools to create and stick to a daily practice:
- An inspired intention for the new year
- A daily meditation & breath practice to focus each day
- A mantra: sanskrit sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation.”
Open to everybody! Please bring a mat, towel, water, journal/ pen, and set of Mala Beads (if you have).
This entire practice is guided, however you can move at your own pace through all 108 of these rhythmic salutations with your breath as your true guide and many opportunities to reflect, celebrate, honor & move forward.
* A Yoga Mala is a dynamic, ritual practice of 108 Sun Salutations, like the 108 beads on a mala. 108, has spiritual significance as it is believed that 108 energy lines converge to form anahata, the heart chakra.*
Saturday, January 4th ~ 10:30AM - 1pm